"I feel like I was dropped into the cover of National Geographic"
Throughout the trip we've all worked to become closer as one unit. Morissette pushes us to work together, to make sure no one is left with behind or with the majority of the work. This said, we're all struggling in our own way with living in the camp. Whether its the language barrier to getting up and making camp, everyone has there own obstacles. For me its a little of each, you have to ask for help when you need it because life gets so much easier when you do.

Its a lesson I learned fast, but also struggled with. When your having a bad day its hard to reach out, but its much better when you do. From day one, I knew understanding the Spanish and attempting to speak it myself was going to be my biggest challenge. I worried I wasn't going to be able to accomplish much in the village because I'd never understand them, and they'd understand me. I learned that with the kids it didn't matter, a smile was all they needed and they'd run off giggling. As far as communicating with Mario, our only Spanish speaking guide and the others, Gilberto, Hector and Morissette we're more then happy to help out when needed. It was a balance of I need help, and I'd like to work this out on my own which taught me greater self advocacy.

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